Here are a few Halloween music podcasts that I have found for this year. Please post in the comments if you are aware of any others (you can even pimp your own if you like!).
I am still waiting for the Mad Music Hour Halloween 2008 podcast....
Mondo Diablo - Episode 162 - Bride of Satan - This is a pretty good Demento-esque weekly podcast that mixes it up a little by throwing in lots of groovy non-novelty records. You should be subscribed to this if you have any interest in this sort of thing as it is one of my favorites and comes highly recommended.
In Crowd Halloween - Radio Boise - I don't know much about this one except for the fact that it was posted on I'm Learning To Share.
The Percy Trout Hour - Trout-O-Ween 2008 (part 1, part 2) - This one is not technically a podcast but a local New Jersey (?) radio show that was kindly hosted by someone.
The Desperate Hour #23 - One of the many excellent GaragePunk.com shows that you can subscribe to!
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