This was one of our (myself and two younger brothers) favorites back when we were really young and when the show moved to Sunday nights we had to BEG our mom to let us stay up until 9pm to watch the show! Where is it on dvd? I know that it was on the SCIFI channel when it first started (along with THE BIONIC WOMAN) but I don't know if it has seen the light of day since then. There were some quite horrible tv movies created in the late 80's that reunited some of the original cast and there was the half decent (but still cancelled) 're-imagining' of THE BIONIC WOMAN last fall but WHERE ARE THE ORIGINAL SERIES DVD's? It can't really be that big of a rights thing can it?
I do have a region 2 dvd that has a couple of episodes including the $7,000,00 MAN and one of the BIGFOOT episodes and I see that there are some Region 2 sets available now (Amazon)
Wikipedia entry
Episode Guide
For now you will just have to be content with some FULL EPISODES on Guba.
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